Being tall
I'm 6'2. The boots I wear make me around 6'4. Some people think I'm 6'5 or 6'6 or something because heights are so inflated nowadays, I assume because of all those "5'11" guys on Tinder. Of course the benefits of being tall are well documented. It enhances my attractiveness for example, but these are the downsides:
I won't fit if a bed has one of those wooden panel thingys at the end, so either my neck or my feet are going to be very umcomfortable if I end up having to sleep in a bed like that for a few nights.
People are really intimidated when they walk by me at night. "That's just you, not your height!" Well no, pretty girls usually smile or seductively stare at me when I walk around during the daytime.
Car rides and whatnot can be especially uncomfortable.
That's all I can think of. There aren't really any downsides.
The intimidation effect works better when you crawl on all fours with foam spewing from your mouth while you talk backwards in ancient Greek.